
Dru Marquis

East Pharmacy/Lab Technician
Zen Nature Nerd

Dru has dedicated most of her life to working with animals. From training farm dogs during her free range childhood in the woodlands of North Mississippi, to earning her Bachelors Degree in Equine Science, to fostering and adopting Retired Racing Greyhounds, she has always found joy in the practice of Compassionate Animal Care.

After leaving her long-time career as a horse trainer and instructor in the Pacific Northwest, Dru made her way to Central Texas, where she turned her talents to pet grooming for the next decade. It was through grooming for an animal hospital that her interest in becoming a Veterinary Technician took root and began to blossom. She eventually realized that Austin was where she felt most at home, and heeded the voice of Karma that called her to join PAZ Veterinary in 2016.

Dru enjoys practicing Yoga, working with Fiber Arts, and getting out into Nature for hiking and camping. She also advocates for Greyhounds and other Sighthounds in need of Forever Homes, and currently shares her life and her heart with her sweet but spicy retired racer, Aoife.